About Me

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DFW, TX, United States
I am a family photographer living in Prosper, TX, a town about 25 miles north of Dallas. I like to capture family's personalities and personal style in the photographs I take using an approach known as lifestyle photography. I would love to spend some time with you and your family, share some fun and laughs and of course - take your picture :-) TO CONTACT ME AND VIEW MY COMPLETE PORTFOLIO, GO TO www.angieleephotography.com

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

R { Family }

Talk about one of the luckiest babies on the planet. This little baby has two of the sweetest siblings. They treat her like the princess that she is :-) Not to mention a loving mother and father whose eyes just beam when baby G cracks a smile. There's a lot of love in this family and I was so glad they braved the chill of the wind yesterday afternoon with me to capture a few shots in Downtown Prosper. Thanks R Fam!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Angie, just getting around to seeing this almost a year later. Thanks for the kind words and expect a call soon for some new family photos.

