About Me

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DFW, TX, United States
I am a family photographer living in Prosper, TX, a town about 25 miles north of Dallas. I like to capture family's personalities and personal style in the photographs I take using an approach known as lifestyle photography. I would love to spend some time with you and your family, share some fun and laughs and of course - take your picture :-) TO CONTACT ME AND VIEW MY COMPLETE PORTFOLIO, GO TO www.angieleephotography.com

Sunday, November 22, 2009

L { Couple }

Today I met with the L Family and their daughter Cocoa - a beautiful 2 yr old Chocolate Lab. Cocoa was very well behaved and I loved the way she perked her ears up when I called her name. Thanks L Fam - Had a great time this morning. Here's a sneak peak from our session earlier today. Check out my facebook fan page for another preview from this session.

1 comment:

  1. You know I love a good dog picture!!! I may have to schedule a shoot for Marco!
