About Me

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DFW, TX, United States
I am a family photographer living in Prosper, TX, a town about 25 miles north of Dallas. I like to capture family's personalities and personal style in the photographs I take using an approach known as lifestyle photography. I would love to spend some time with you and your family, share some fun and laughs and of course - take your picture :-) TO CONTACT ME AND VIEW MY COMPLETE PORTFOLIO, GO TO www.angieleephotography.com

Thursday, May 14, 2009

New Lens

Whelp - The day I've been waiting for... I got a new lens today and just HAD to test it out... I was able to hire a model at last minutes' notice - ('cost me a bag of Skittles) and we slipped on a spring dress and went for a drive. Here's what we came up with.


  1. Love the pics of Tatem. You keep getting better and better as you take pictures. The new lens really adds the sharpness you've been looking for! I've seen Tatem make that face a few times. She's must have not been happy with something you said....cute, cute, cute!

  2. I'm with Kelli! You get better with each picture! I LOVE THESE OF Tatem and love the one with the gorilla/monkey, whatever it is! Love the new website colors too!
