I am a family photographer living in Prosper, TX, a town about 25 miles north of Dallas. I like to capture family's personalities and personal style in the photographs I take using an approach known as lifestyle photography. I would love to spend some time with you and your family, share some fun and laughs and of course - take your picture :-)
T showing off her newly painted fingernails. Who knew that daddy was good at painting fingernails? Hey - T asks. T gets. (Notice the bit of nail polish on her face .... That's ok daddy, you get an A for effort)
Well, today was a sad day for my 6 yr old S. It was a beautiful 80 -something degrees outside and he didn't have anyone to play with. So in his sadness, he decided to sit on the torn down fence between ours and our backyard neighbor's house and wait for a friend to come running outside. Two year old T, my daughter, decided to wait with him.
The D family battled the North Texas wind with me to get some of these shots last week. We started out shooting in a park where the wind was about to blow us away. Then we discovered that in our little town of Prosper, TX the most AWESOME brick wall is erected in what some people might call "downtown" ;-)
If all photography sessions are like this, I cannot imagine doing anything else -- EVER. The W family lives one street over from me and we did this shoot pretty much on the fly. It turned out better than I could've imagined. They were so fun to work with that we plan to do another shoot very soon so as to include Mr. W.